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This project, co-constructed by the CDA and the Metropolis of Lyon, is part of a context of protection of the drinking water catchment areas of East Lyon. The CDA is in charge of the coordination of the project.

Objectives of the ARC project:

  • Testing new crops and agro-ecological practices on farms in eastern Lyon
  • Adding value to crops produced in an agro-ecological way
  • Developing remunerative outlets for new crops
Since 2017: 40 farmers sensitised / 10 farmers involved

Actions carried out by the CDA and partners:

  • Study of the market for collective catering in the Lyon conurbation
  • Co-construction and monitoring of experiments with farmers
  • Co-construction of agro-ecological specifications with stakeholders in the field
  • Development of other outlets
To find out more…

The CDA supports agricultural professionals in their agro-ecological transition. Because agroecology is the future of agriculture, act, contact us.

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