Doctor in zootechnics of livestock systems
Key Competencies :
- Systemic analysis of livestock farms
- Animal physiology and nutrition, forage system
- Agro-ecological transition of livestock systems
- Support for changes in livestock farming
- Thematic training (genetics, reproduction…)
- Animation of farmers’ groups
- Follow-up of experimentation with farmers
Some references:
- Conducting multi-site trials on multi-species grasslands with cattle farmers (69)
- Animation of farmers’ groups and support for change on the theme of breeding and agroecology (GAB 12, 61)
- Researcher on farmers’ collectives in agroecological transition (PSDR COTRAE)
- Writing of scientific articles on the theme: social-technical barriers to the agro-ecological transition in dairy farming
Course :
- Doctor in zootechnics of livestock systems :
- Doctor in zootechnics of livestock systems :
- Master en Management des productions animales (Purpan)
- Agricultural engineer (ISARA-Lyon)
- Independent researcher, consultant and trainer in livestock and agroecology
- Teacher-researcher in animal husbandry and agroecology (ISARA-Lyon)
- PhD thesis on the evaluation of the robustness of dairy cows (INRA, Vetagro Sup)
- Agricultural Policy Engineer (SUACI-Northern Alps)